Maratha Palace opened its doors for customers in the year 2010 and ever since it’s been continuously and constantly serving its local customers and travelers."Recently, in July 2014 the ownership changed hands and a new management under the new ownership is looking to better the service and quality of the hotel."
Maratha Palace opened its doors for customers in the year 2010 and ever since it’s been continuously and constantly serving its local customers and travelers."Recently, in July 2014 the ownership changed hands and a new management under the new ownership is looking to better the service and quality of the hotel."
Maratha Palace is a one of its kind hospitality that caters to both lifestyle and corporate needs. This hill view locale is set to take you back to nature while bringing forth all the comfort you could possibly want.
The plush and elegant interior is a setting fit for nobility and it is well within reach on the Pune - Bengaluru highway. At Maratha Palace our aim is to fulfill all your desires.
We provide venues for family functions, get – together, business conferences, symposiums etc.
Our multi-specialty restaurants offer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian delights.
Moreover, we aim to tantalize your test buds with the best in Maharashtrian, Punjabi and South Indian Cuisines.
Our courteous staffs are some of the best in the industry. They endeavor to be of the utmost help to you, no matter what your needs.
The hotel is a perfect break destination for travelling between Pune and Kolhapur, both cities are 120 km from the hotel.
Maratha Palace is a one of its kind hospitality that caters to both lifestyle and corporate needs. This hill view locale is set to take you back to nature while bringing forth all the comfort you could possibly want.
The plush and elegant interior is a setting fit for nobility and it is well within reach on the Pune - Bengaluru highway. At Maratha Palace our aim is to fulfill all your desires.
We provide venues for family functions, get – together, business conferences, symposiums etc.
Our multi-specialty restaurants offer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian delights.
Moreover, we aim to tantalize your test buds with the best in Maharashtrian, Punjabi and South Indian Cuisines.
Our courteous staffs are some of the best in the industry. They endeavor to be of the utmost help to you, no matter what your needs.
The hotel is a perfect break destination for travelling between Pune and Kolhapur, both cities are 120 km from the hotel.
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